Wednesday, October 10, 2007

To: Kevin Andrews, Australian Minister for Immigration
Re: Immigration Minister Kevin Andrews has condemned an assault on a police officer by a group of youths in Melbourne's south-east as not reflecting "the Australian way of life" ... Police, who are questioning an 18-year-old man over the incident, have confirmed that the group approached by the detective included Sudanese youths.

October 10, 2007

Pauline... er, I mean, Kevin,

So, you have imaginatively condemned the Noble Park attack on a police detective as "not part of the Australian way of life." Indeed, you may be correct, there. Recent news reports indicate, after all, that a quite extraordinary proportion of the Victorian police force is on the take, rather than being beaten up.

But on the matter of bashing: I and many Australians who grew up in the 60s and 70s were well aware -- all too often through personal experience -- that it was an "Australian way of life" for police cadets to be taken out by more senior officers and initiated into the force by being invited (or, if necessary, ordered) to bash the living daylights out of some completely innocent youth, ideally a poofter or a dago. A rallying cry went out from seemingly every squad car: "Fuck it, mate, they're hardly Aussies, are they."

Beautie, Kev. Now there's an Australian way of life we should celebrate.

Of course, the bashing and framing did not stop there. For starters, a large number of young people who ventured onto the street were framed by cops, apparently for the cops' own... amusement? The standard M.O. was to charge anyone they liked, or didn't, with abusive language and resisting arrest. So much the better if the people falsely arrested told the cops to fuck off, and then could be savagely beaten with a warped sense of duty and justification.

I doubt, somehow, that anything has changed (cf. news reports on police involvement in organized crime, and more, in seemingly every state of the commonwealth).

Of course, Kev, that's not what you're really on about, when you speak of "not part of the Australian way of life." What you mean is, "This is being done by darkies, mate. Let's keep those animals out." You're right to suspect that you don't need to be subtle in your lamentable racism. And you, the minister for immigration. Good on ya, Kev. Fly that flag.

I wonder, though, whether a smart move for any department of immigration might be to severely restrict the intake of white-skinned, British wankers who persist in becoming, over the generations, cynical racist arsehole Australians.

With due disgust,


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