Wednesday, February 14, 2007

To: Peter Beattie, Premier of Queensland

Mr Beattie, reports: Queensland Premier Peter Beattie says he has smacked all three of his children and he does not support a push for law changes in the area. … "I think that any parent has the right in my view, within reason, provided there's no permanent damage or injury, to smack their child," he said.

Then, instead of going with your ill-researched and –considered opinion, arrived at by some sort of arrogant belief that you know best, why don’t you refer to the research literature, which demonstrates quite clearly that you are wrong.

For starters, do you know what “permanent damage or injury” entails?

And, moreover, let me ask you this: When a parent hits a child, who can possibly win that fight? So, when grown children hit an aged parent, or anyone they take offense to, what lesson do they bring to those encounters?

As in the matter of the name of Townsville’s stadium, you have mistaken your own inclinations for fact, and you have declined to inform yourself open-mindedly and responsibly.



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