Wednesday, October 25, 2006

To: Kevin Rudd, Australian Labor Party Shadow Minister for Foreign Affairs, Trade and International Security.

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Thursday, 31 August 2006 3:33 PM
To: Rudd, Kevin (MP)
Subject: Mr Kevin Rudd

Mr Rudd

I noticed, last night, while watching Lateline, as I’ve noticed in the past, that you have excellent ideas for the country. Just as important, you have telling comments to make about, for example, the current shambles over the AWB rorts.

But here are my two concerns:

First, like Mr Beazley, your delivery is flat. Your affect is flat. Your demeanour is strangely unchanging. I wonder if you might consider some sort of dramatical coaching, because, as is clear from the current state we’re in, in parliament, the good people of Australia just don’t vote for ideas; they vote for their weird notions of charisma. Being ratbags, like Howard & Co., seems to appeal, and I imagine it’s only because they seem to have drive and “attitude,” even though they have all those in caustic and generally obnoxious form that is mistaken for personality.

Second, you do not provide a larger context for your comments about the AWB scandal, nor other scandals such as the bald-faced lies of Howard & Co. on the attacks on Iraq – I mean, primarily, the cluster-bombing of simple Iraqis going about their everyday lives. You do not say, for example: “Howard & Co. have been lying about AWB bribes; they have been lying about lots of things; these are grave matters; they either must resign from office, or be impeached.” Or, “Howard & Co. lied about Iraq, and have been murdering civilians by the many, many thousands with heinous weapons of mass destruction; these are crimes against humanity; Howard & Co. must be removed from office and made to face war-crimes tribunals. That is how grave their offenses have been.”

Voters need to be told. Alas, as 10 years of election results show, only a minority of them are capable of thinking and analyzing these events, for themselves.



Thanks for taking the time to bring your concerns to my attention.

Kind Regards,



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