Monday, September 05, 2005

The Village Idiot and Abject Moron is being assailed for failing to react in any kind of responsible way to the disaster along the Gulf of Mexico. But to blame him for operational deficits is going so far beyond what anyone with any powers of observation should even expect of so profoundly stupid and inadequate a man. Americans, I believe, are so benightedly blinded by the historical aura of the presidency that they imagine that any man who is president must have powers of leadership and may be held responsible for his enactment, or non-enactment, of them.
But that is to grant him, already, more than he is even remotely capable of in his besotted state and with his addled and scarred brain, which clearly was never much chop, to begin with.
No, all we can be left with[--]and this, by the way, is mere futile gesture[--]is to spit at how pathetic his personal response has been (he hasn’t had an official one, other than inaction, to judge him on – and, as I contend, it is just wishful to expect one from such a limpdick). So, it makes sense only to address the platitudinous, insultingly puerile-joking crap, undergirded by age-old race and socioeconomic hatred and privilege-fueled condescension, that he has trotted out in his swings via helicopter over the terrain he has left reduced to mayhem and agony. And those driveling pronouncements have contained nothing but fatuousness and inanity, comments that make plain that he is not even capable of understanding the situation, nor of sympathizing with its victims. He just does not have the human capacity, and surely it must be becoming clear, evento the droves ofidiotic Americans who boted for him -- twice!!! -- that they were plain-and-simply duped by their own presumptuousness and criminal irresponsibility. (But, of course, to this point, those who voted for him still are almost all way out front in the ledger of greed and profit, so what do they care?)
And we wonder why the world regards us with a fateful amalgam of mystification and hatred.


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