Thursday, December 01, 2005

Nguyen hanged in Singapore
The execution in Singapore of Australian drug trafficker Van Nguyen has been confirmed.
- ABC Online

To: Lee Hsien Loong, Prime Minister of Singapore
What your government has done to Van Nguyen, after doing it to so many other people, is simply murder, and murder all the more grotesque for its cloak of government entitlement. You indulge in barbarity as if appointed by some god – an angry, depraved one. Anyone with even the slightest acquaintance with history knows, however, that tyranny never outlasts the human spirit, and one day your country will emerge from its dark ages of dictatorial rule and there will be no place for self-righteous, self-indulgent killers who seek to further their own interests and power by anathemizing their populations. In addition, please remember, every time you think of one of your children, or one of your parents, the agony that you have inflicted on the mother, brother, and friends of Van Nguyen. Remember it every time you wake, and let it multiply for every further killing in which, self-satisfied, your associates indulge.

To: Editor, ABC News Online
Surely your referring to Van Nguyen as "Australian drug trafficker" is gratuitous. A "drug trafficker" is someone who makes a practice of trafficking drugs, not someone who inadvisedly tries it once with some altruistic purpose in mind. In addition, even with the most constricted form of the "drug trafficker," your use of the term is factually incorrect. A drug trafficker is someone who successfully moves drugs from their origin to their destination, something which Mr Nguyen signally failed to do, thanks to the barbarism of his murderers.


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