Monday, November 01, 2004

To the Australian Attorney-General, Philip Ruddock, on the news that David Hicks, imprisoned without charge for the last 2.5 years in Guantanamo Bay after being taken captive as a member of the Taliban in Afghanistan, is now fast approaching a mental breakdown.


Your representative suggests that your government is ensuring the welfare of David Hicks, while inhumanely prolonged solitary confinement is steadily and certainly driving him insane. You seem to have a fetish for cruel treatment of hapless individuals, whether they be misguided young men from Australia, or desperate boat people who somehow survive your barbaric treatment of them.

Your representative says that if Terry Hicks has any relevant information on his son's condition, he should pass it on to Australian authorities, who will make sure it gets to US officials.

What a crock of dissembling and utter bullshit. Why don't you just come right out and state plainly that you and your fellow cronies in the Liberal government have decided to sacrifice David Hicks, and apparently his father, to your arsekissing relationship with the mongrels in charge of the American police-state-like manipulation of the Guantanamo situation?

Why not admit that you are trying to exert no principled Australian policy, at all, but are merely making the same kinds of depraved, expedient calculations that the El Qaida mongrels are making.

You all deserve each another, but regular citizens of the US, Australia, and Iraq pay the enormous price, both in terms of their wellbeing and their dignity. Your callousness towards David Hicks father is all the more disgusting for your pretence of giving a damn about him, and of providing him with sound advice on how to remedy his anguish: Tell you and you'll pass it on to your American masters.

Well, thank you very much, you gutless man.

With appropriate disgust and disdain,


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