Saturday, September 04, 2004

The ABC reports: "John Howard says the Coalition Government, if re-elected, would commit $30 million to initiatives designed to protect children from sex criminals." I just have to say, Mr Prime Minister, that your level of self-serving cynicism is breath-taking. For decades, centuries, your party (and others in Australia, for that matter) has aided, through its complicit silence, the carnal exploitation of children in church schools, foster homes, orphanages, and other institutions: the raping of them, the beating of them, the torture of them...all the crimes that are, little by little, oozing out of the Australian, and worldwide Christian, closets of depravity. So, now, comes little Johnnie Howard to lap up some of the perverse, self-satisfied indignation of the hordes of Australians who ignored the obvious for so long. The countless victims of the crimes of the priests and ministers and their collaborating colleagues will be so impressed to see you whoring for votes by enlisting their agony. How many votes will $30-million buy you from the droves of now-hand-wringing, complicit voters, do you think, oh condescending, abuse-capitalizing leader?



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