Friday, December 21, 2007

The abject morons who run this country wonder why the rest of the world considers its self-serving disingenuousness over Iraq so laughable and evil. Well, it might help if the mighty free press could leaven its fawning support of US military adventurism with some basic measures of journalistic integrity. It's a joke, of course, to imagine that that bloated poseur, Lou Dobbs, would be the one to lead the way, there. Hence:

To: Lou Dobbs
Re: Fact checking
December 21, 2007

The name of the Australian Prime Minister is not, as you report, Paul Rudd. It is Kevin Rudd. Lord help us! Your show consistently dumbs down the news in the most appalling way – it is jingoist, self-congratulatory, and lamebrained. Could you at least do a fact check of the names of other nations' leaders, and other basic facts?