Sunday, December 03, 2006

To: Kevin Rudd, probably leader of the Australian Opposition, later today

Mr. Rudd,

Winning the leadership vote, if you do, is one thing, but I hope you realize that galvanizing Australian voters will take more than defeating Mr. Beazley, who has been a near-dead dog for years. His problem has been that he delivers all his pronouncements, well-reasoned though they are, with the same, flat intonation. You, I regret to note, are no better, in this regard. The result surely is to rob your statements of their power. Australians have become lazy political animals, during the last decade, and require a little more drama if they are to pay heed.

So, as I suggested to you some months ago, please consider dramatic coaching, because charisma does count. I notice, too, that you seem not to put your observations in large context. For example, when you have commented on the AWB debacle, and other scandals such as Howard & Co.'s blatant lies about refugee incidents in Australian waters, and about our involvement in the clusterbombing of Iraqi citizens going about their difficult lives, you do not say, for example: "Howard has been lying; he has been lying about a lot of things; these are grave matters. He must resign from office, and be charged with war crimes. That is how grave his offences have been."

Voters need, now more than ever, vibrant, inspiring leadership, not the sort of dull politicism that you, like Mr Beazley, have been offering. Please, change your methods of presentation, or we will suffer another three years of mongrel Liberal leadership.
