Thursday, May 27, 2004

Dear Prime Minister,

It seems that every day you do something completely lacking in logic, and, frankly, rather whiffing of overweening ego. Today, it's that you say:

i) your ban on gay and lesbian marriages in Australia is not designed to offend same-sex couples.
But you HAVE offended. You DO offend. Whether you "mean" to, or not, is irrelevant. You do.

ii) "I realize in public life that what you do sometimes offends some people. It's not designed to do that, but I equally don't apologise for wanting to put into the law the simple proposition that a marriage is a union between a man and a woman hopefully for life."
That's some "simple proposition," John. It may come as a surprise to you, but, first, it is NOT a simple proposition, and, second, it does not describe reality, or anything like it. It describes the idle fantasy of wishfully thinking middlebrows who would prefer to deny reality in favour of their underexamined, selfserving morality.

iii) "That doesn't in any way prevent people from having same sex relationships."
Well, that's mighty big of you. Thank you SO much. But, inherent in this statement is the notion that you have any say in that, which you do not, unless you mean that you're going to be really, truly bighearted, and not BAN same-sex unions.

What will you get up to tomorrow, I wonder.



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